Chris Mathews (2002-2007)

When Chris became PBA President in 2002 there were no Board member elections: whoever wanted to serve on the Board was usually welcomed with open arms. The club was managed by Belinda and Rusty Nail. As Chris observed, ‘They did everything: Newsletter, membership, finances, website, you name it. They kept the club running. "They were the PBA."
Rusty and Belinda were looking for a new President to replace Carl Morris, who had stepped down. Chris thought about how valuable the PBA had been to him over the first nine years of his membership and he had a few ideas for changes, so he volunteered for the position.
Chris’ first priorities were the following:
- Expand the range of rides in terms of number, distance, and speed;
- Grow the membership; and
- Increase the number of female riders.
At the time the PBA had two rides: ‘Pretty Fast’ (8 O’clock Ride) and ‘Fast’ (OAS). There were 110 members of which six were female.
He started with the help of his Ride Coordinator, Alan Warner, who rolled out the Novice Ride. Once word got around, it became a success with the Plano cycling community. The PBA was on its way! It did not take long for the Novice riders to approach Alan and Chris with the claim that they were no longer ‘novices,’ but rather ‘distance builders.’ And so, the next level of rides was born. The sky was the limit!
As for PBA Board elections, Chris’ usual procedure was to propose at the annual party that the current Board was to carry on for the next year. And if anyone had an issue with that, they were to speak up. Dead silence, every time.
In 2008, Chris ended his reign with 600 members, 10-12 different weekly rides, and over 50 female members. He made way for new president Terry Brcka, who was elected, by the Board.