Saturday Eastside
Starting at 4101 E. Park Blvd. (NW corner of Park and Los Rios), Plano, TX.Speed varies depending on skill of riders. Multiple groups, frequently two doing different distances.
Optional lunch following ride.
For information or directions contact Ferd Godbold. This ride is also advertised by the GDB as the "Eastside Ride."
We follow all PBA and Texas Transportation Code rules and laws; stop at all stop signs, travel single file on all two lane roads, signal when turning, calling out road conditions, etc. As the largest road cycling club in the North Texas area, we are stewards of the road and it is our responsibility to be good cyclists.
This is a no drop ride, which means ‘no rider left behind’. We will help if tires go flat, or minor mechanical failures occur, such that you will know how to do it for yourself if/when these situations occur. Please come prepared with extra tubes and a pump or C02 rig to inflate and plenty of water to keep you hydrated.
Before each ride there is a mandatory sign in sheet and pre-ride instructions that last approximately 10 minutes, so please arrive with enough time to get your self squared away and participate in the pre-ride instructions.