Saturday Tweeners

Tweeners is the final developmental level ride which prepares riders to transition to either the DB rides or Fast Forty Lite. It is intended for fairly seasoned riders travelling at the above mentioned speeds. Tweeners does not offer pacelining. This is a no-drop ride, so no one will be left behind. It is the perfect ride to start building your cycling endurance.
This ride travels on a one of the 42ish mile routes. There will be at least one rest stop, two if needed. Be prepared to change a flat and make minor repairs, if need be. As the weather warms, make sure you hydrate sufficiently and bring electrolyte replacements, food and a small amount of cash for the rest stops.
We follow all PBA and Texas Transportation Code rules and laws; stop at all stop signs, travel single file on all two lane roads, signal when turning, calling out road conditions, etc. As the largest road cycling club in the North Texas area, we are stewards of the road and it is our responsibility to be good cyclists.