TuesDAY Morning B Ride

Tuesday Morning Ride Lite is a 30 - 40 mile drop ride with multiple map options influenced by the direction and speed of the wind. Average speed over the total distance is usually between 17 and 18.5 mph depending on the route, weather, and dynamics of the group. This ride will follow the Tuesday Morning Ride. There is always at least one convenience store rest stop. There may be sprint zones on the ride.
The ride starts and ends at the NE corner of Independence and Legacy, south of Dunkin Donuts. Please park along Independence away from the shops and Dunkin Donuts. Riders are expected to have read the PBA group riding rules (link below).
This is DROP Ride, and riders should have a SAG plan.
Since all riders are not able to navigate hills at the same pace, the ride will occasionally “soft-pedal” or pull aside into a parking lot to let riders catch-up and regroup. We will not leave you behind until your SAG plan has been deployed.
Please join the Tuesday Morning Ride Blog. We will communicate all changes through the blog and/or PBA Facebook page.