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Saturday Novice

Novice Ride - 27 July 7AM
By Chrissie Taveira
Posted: 2024-07-26T14:19:33Z

Novice Riders!

Come Ride with Us!

Please arrive by 6:45AM for pre-ride housekeeping and information. Saturday's ride should be super fun!

The weather for Saturday is humid! There is a chance for rain later in the morning -- but this is Texas, so anything goes! Please do watch for any updates on the website, delays, cancelations, etc.

The route this week will be the PBA Novice Rain Route 2024 just to be safe. This is a 22ish mile route, with a 12 mile early cut-off if needed. The rest stop is around mile 14.

Because the route does loop back near the start, if anyone needs to cut the ride short - the ride can be modified. If you are returning from an injury, returning to riding, or new to riding and do not feel like you have 20 miles -- you can cut the ride short with ease -- so NO EXCUSES! ;-)

The predicted temperatures are cool for July; however we will be at 90%+ humidity. Please make sure to bring 2 water bottles and I would recommend that one of the water bottles is filled with some sort of electrolyte mixture.

Ride Pace: 11-13 mph rolling average


PBA Novice Rain Route 2024